2022 Call for PhD Studentships – Specific line for applications in a non-academic environment
2022 Call for PhD Studentships – Specific line for applications in a non-academic environment

The 2022 Call for PhD Studentships aims to support researchers, in all areas of knowledge, who wish to develop research activities leading to a PhD, enrolled in, or that comply with the requirements to enrol in PhD studies, and who wish to carry out research activities towards this degree.

Applications with research work carried out totally or partially in non-academic entities should be submitted to this specific line of applications; activities may take place in companies, Collaborative Laboratories, Technology and Innovation Centres, Technological Interface Centres, Public Administration or third sector entities. It should be noted that, within the scope of this specific line, research activities can be carried out in collaboration with academic entities, promoting institutional cooperation. Applications with work plans to be carried out, entire or partially, in a non-academic host institution, herein referred to as applications in a non-academic environment, must be submitted in this application line and will be evaluated by a specific panel.

The work plan may be entirely or partially carried out in a national institution (studentship in Portugal or both in Portugal and abroad studentship, respectively), or fully proceed in a foreign institution (studentship abroad).

Who can apply

Applicants need to:

  • Be a citizen permanently and usually living in Portugal, in case the work plan will be carried out entirely or partially at foreign institutions (both in Portugal and abroad or exclusively abroad studentships); this requirement applies to both national and foreign citizens;
  • Not have held any prior PhD or PhD in Industry studentship directly funded by FCT, regardless of its duration;
  • Not to hold a doctoral degree;
  • Specify, at least, one non-academic host institution, and to associate one member of the supervising team integrated in the non-academic host institution (minimum).

Before application submission, FCT recommends the careful reading of the following documents: Notice of Call and the Annex I (Evaluation Guide), Application Guide, What is new, Research Fellowship Holder Statute, the FCT Regulation for Studentships and Fellowships and FAQs.

The Call is open from March 8th to 5:00 pm (Lisbon time) of April 7th 2022.

Information related to the application procedure or application form may be required via email to info.bolsas@fct.pt. This will be the only communication channel for questions related to filling in the application form.

To clarify any doubts about the creation and management of CVs, CIÊNCIAVITAE platform has a helpdesk available through the email: info@cienciavitae.pt.