2024 Call for Exploratory Research Projects under the MIT Portugal Program
FCT, within the scope of its international collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is launching the Announcement for a Call for Proposals aimed at supporting Exploratory Research Projects.
Overview and objectives

With the aim of promoting investment in science, technology, and higher education, and contributing to the stimulation of economic and social development in Portugal, and assuming broad cooperation between National System of Science and Technology entities and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), FCT is launching this Exploratory Research Call to fund applications oriented towards scientific research in a holistic approach through integrated and multidisciplinary projects with a vision of scale evolution, in the following thematic areas:

  • Climate Science & Climate Change
  • Earth Systems: Oceans to Near Space
  • Digital Transformation in Manufacturing
  • Sustainable Cities
Who can apply

Research teams, from the following non-entrepreneurial Portuguese entities of the R&I can apply for funding:

  • Higher education institutions, their institutes and R&D units;
  • State, international or associated Laboratories with head office in Portugal;
  • Non-profit private institutions whose main objective is R&D activities, including Collaborative Laboratories (CoLab) and Centres for Technology and Innovation (CTI);
  • Other non-profit public and private institutions developing or participating in scientific research activities.

Projects may be presented individually or in co-promotion, and have a maximum duration of 12 months.

How to apply

Applications must be presented to FCT, in English, from December 2, 2024 to January 22, 2025, at 5 p.m. Lisbon time, using a specific on-line form and submitted through myFCT platform.

The PI, the core elements, as well as the remaining elements of the Portuguese research team, are responsible for submitting an updated version of their CV in English on the CIÊNCIAVITAE platform.

A collaboration letter of the MIT researcher associated to the project, with principal investigator status, describing their scientific responsibility in the project, is a mandatory attachment​​​​​​​ to the applications.

​​​​​​​The Statement of Commitment for the Principal Contractor will be available on myFCT platform, for agreement by the head of the Principal Contractor or someone appointed by him, following the deadline for submission of applications and up to February 5, 2025 at 5 p.m. (Lisbon time).


An international panel of independent reviewers, affiliated to foreign institutions, will carry out the evaluation.

The selection and ranking of projects are based on the Merit of the Project (MP) using the following criteria, which are described in greater detail in the Guide for Peer Reviewers and in the Terms of Reference for this Call:

A. Scientific merit (A1) and innovative nature (A2) of the project from an international standpoint;

B. Scientific merit of the PI and research team (B1), including impact of the project’s execution in the development of the PI’s career and/or research (B2);

C. Feasibility of the workplan and the expected indicators (C1), as well as the budget adequacy (C2).

The Merit of the Project (MP), is calculated according to the following formula:

MP = 0.40 (0.50 A1 + 0.50 A2) + 0.35 (0.60 B1 + 0.40 B2) + 0.25 (0.50 C1+ 0.50 C2)


The budget allocation for this call is € 400,000 (four-hundred thousand euros), for eligible Portuguese institutions, for projects starting in 2025.

The maximum  funding per project is € 50,000 (fifty thousand euros).

At least, one proposal per thematic area will be recommended for funding, as long as its score is higher than 7.00 points.

The funding to be granted under this call is non-reimbursable. The projects will be fully financed by National funds through the FCT budget, applying the option of simplified costs in the form of a lump sum.

Regardless of the project’s approved funding amount, the initial advance payment is 75% of the approved funding. The remaining amount, up to the approved funding for each project, is paid upon project completion, through a final reimbursement payment method.

The indirect costs are a fixed rate of 25% of all the estimated direct eligible costs. The expenses for the adaptation of buildings and facilities are limited to a maximum of 10% of the project’s total eligible expenses.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

The Call is subject to this Announcement for submission of Proposals, by FCT Projects Regulations, published in Regulation No. 999/2016, in its current wording, and by other applicable national and community legislation.

FCT recommends a timely reading of all the documentation supporting the application available at the page of the Call.


For inquires of scientific nature, please contact the MIT Portugal program at: info@mitportugal.org

For specific information related to the application submission, please contact: concursoprojetos@fct.pt


None of the information published on this webpage overrides the official Annoucement for Submission of Proposals.