The budget allocation for this call is € 400,000 (four-hundred thousand euros), for eligible Portuguese institutions, for projects starting in 2025.
The maximum funding per project is € 50,000 (fifty thousand euros).
At least, one proposal per thematic area will be recommended for funding, as long as its score is higher than 7.00 points.
The funding to be granted under this call is non-reimbursable. The projects will be fully financed by National funds through the FCT budget, applying the option of simplified costs in the form of a lump sum.
Regardless of the project’s approved funding amount, the initial advance payment is 75% of the approved funding. The remaining amount, up to the approved funding for each project, is paid upon project completion, through a final reimbursement payment method.
The indirect costs are a fixed rate of 25% of all the estimated direct eligible costs. The expenses for the adaptation of buildings and facilities are limited to a maximum of 10% of the project’s total eligible expenses.